About BJHS » Welcome to BJHS

Welcome to BJHS



Welcome to Ballinger Junior High School! Our goal at Ballinger Junior High School is to maintain a supportive atmosphere where every student finds value in accomplishments, school pride, work ethic and resiliency in the face of adversity.  In order to challenge all students to think critically, we are committed to identifying and demonstrating the best instructional practices, and providing students with the curriculum, assessment, support, and time they need to achieve and maintain high academic standards.   

BJHS places an emphasis on the Fundamental 5 as the formula for quality instruction. All students can expect that teachers will focus on the following techniques in instruction: 

  1. A Framed Lesson which provides a clear picture of concepts and learning expectations 
  2. Teachers actively engaged in the learning process with students 
  3. Frequent, small group, purposeful talk about the learning 
  4. Recognize and reinforce what it takes to be successful 
  5. Writing Critically 

Ballinger Junior High School will continue to involve and seek the support of parents and community members as partners in the education of our students.  If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to me anytime. I am truly excited about the accomplishments to come in this next school year!